Welcome to Year 2!

We hope you had a lovely break and are feeling refreshed and ready for Summer 2. We have lots of exciting topics this term that you can find more information about below. 



What are we learning?

History – Seaside holidays of the past

During this term, our history focus will be Seaside holidays of the past. We will be investigating what seaside holidays were like in the Victorian times. We will look at images of seaside holidays from the past and explore what people used to wear and what they would do when visiting the seaside. We will then compare similarities and differences between holidays then and now. Alongside this we will also be having our own seaside holiday experience within school!



Science – Science adventures

In science this term our topic will be Science Adventures. This will give us the opportunity to put our investigation skills into action. We are going to be reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and conducting a series of different investigations based upon this – including observing what happens to a sandwich when it is left over time, designing a healthy meal and investigation how long paper boats will float. These investigations will allow us to make predictions and provide opportunities to work scientifically before discussing our findings. 



Other Subjects:

English – non-chronological report and narratives.

Maths – length, time and position and direction.

PE – yoga, swimming.

DT – puppets.

Music – Myths and legends.

Computing – online safety, making music.

RE – How and why are some books Holy?


What are we reading?

This half term we are going to be reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda and David Armitage – the story of a lighthouse keeper whose lunch gets stolen by 3 pesky seagulls. We will then be researching different sea creatures in order to write a non-chronological report based upon this. Following that we will be reading ‘Dougal's Deep-Sea Diary’ by Simon Bartram – the story of a diver’s search for the lost Atlantis. We will then be writing a narrative based upon this story. Alongside this we will be choosing a variety of different stories to read for pleasure and at home time within class and looking at the work of our author of the month (Julia Donaldson).




Our Year 2 Timetable 

The timetable below shows when children will need to bring in specific items during the week. It is the children's responsibility to ensure that they bring the correct equipment and kit on specific days. If any changes are made, parents will be notified via parent pay. We ask that children bring in their reading records and books daily, so that we are able to read with the children whenever possible. 




P.E Day (full kit needed)

Reading books changed.


Swimming Day (full kit including swimming cap and towel needed) - please ensure the children are not wearing earrings on this day.  If children wish to wear goggles, a letter needs to be sent in.


Weekly homework should now be completed on Spag.com and Maths.co.uk. It is an expectation that is completed each week. 

Children will visit the library.


Spelling test


Feel good Friday! Remember your navy trousers! 

New homework available on Spag.com and Maths.co.uk. 

Remember, all reading books and reading records should be in school every day. 

Keep checking back daily to find new things on our page! 

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