We hope you have had a wonderful half-term break and are ready for our final half term of Year 3! As always, this term is bursting with new skills, new knowledge and fun along the way!

Here are our wider curriculum topics for this half term:


History  Ancient Egypt

Cats were adored... enough said!

Following on from our geography topic last term which explored the River Nile in Egypt, in history we wi become familiar with the ancient Egyptian civilisation. From mummification to Gods/Goddesses to the River Nile, we will find out all about life in ancient Egypt and what we can learn from the evidence the ancient Egyptians left behind.

Link to an information book on Ancient Egypt




Science  Adventures Unit – Traction Man

Get your lab coat and goggles ready!

In science, we are going to have a half term full of investigations! We will read the book: Traction Man is here by Mini Grey and use this as a theme to inform investigations from investigating if materials are waterproof to testing parachutes for Traction Man!

Here is a link to the book to read at home




DT (Design and Technology)  Photo Frames

Do you have a photo frame? What is its purpose? Have you ever tried to make your own? What materials might you use? How might you make it stable?


In DT, our focus will be construction, where we will be exploring photo frames of different shapes, sizes, designs and styles and their purposes. We will investigate how they are made stable and fit for purpose as well as design, make and evaluate our own photo frame!




Core subjects

English – Myths and Legends; Poetry (Haikus)

Maths – Calculation recap week; Shape; Statistics


Other non-core subjects

PE - Yoga

Computing E-Safety; Simulations and Creating Digital Graphs


Music –Traditional Instruments and improvisation (Linked to Indian rag and tal music)

Spanish – Fruits


Our Whole Class Text in English

Secrets of a Sun King – By Emma Carroll

A story of secrets and wrongs that must be put right in order to break the deadly curse. So Lil and her friends, Tulip and Oz embark on an incredible journey – to return the package to its proper resting place, to protect those they love, and to break the deadly pharaoh's curse.













Homework Expectations (including spellings)

  • Reading – at least 3 times per week logged in reading record
  • Spellings/ SPaG (once per week) – edshed.com
  • Maths (once per week) – maths.co.uk
  • Multiplication Tables (at least 3 times per week) – ttrockstars.com









Come dressed in PE uniform



Spelling/ SPaG homework due by the end of today


Reading records checked

Maths and Spelling/ SPaG homework set today


Spelling Test




Feel Good Friday uniform


Reading records checked

Reading and Multiplication tables practise should be done multiple times per week

*Reading record should be brought into school daily


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