We hope you have had a wonderful break and are ready for a half term, jam-packed with lots of fun and interesting topics.

Here are our wider curriculum topics for this half term:

Autumn 1


Geography Climate Zones

What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the Equator? Do you know the difference between an Arid climate and a Polar climate?



Science  - Rocks, Soil and Fossils  

Where do rocks come from? How are soil and rocks the formed? What are they made from? What are their purposes?

Children will become scientists and explore how rocks are formed and how we can group them based on their properties. We will explore the layers of soil and its purpose and investigate this by exploring the textures of the different layers. We will finish this topic by exploring fossils, what they are, how they are formed and what they can tell us about the past.


Art  - Vincent Van Gogh  

Who is Vincent Van Gogh? When was he famous? Why is he famous today? What is his style of art? What media does he use?

This topic will combine the development of drawing and sketching skills while also exploring and drawing in the style of the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh. Get you pencils ready for some shading and experimenting with lines while also getting creative with paint.

Core subjects

English – Historical Narrative, Newspaper reports, poetry

Maths – Place Value, Addition and Subtraction


Other non-core subjects

PE Hockey

Computing E-Safety; Coding

RE What ate the deeper meanings of festivals?

Music – What are ballads?

Spanish – Early Spanish phrases (hello, how are you etc)

PSHE – Families and Relationships


Our Whole Class Text in English

Stone Age Boy – by Satoshi Kitamura


The Iron Man – by Ted Hughes


To be completed through EdShed.

Homework Expectations (including spellings)

  • Reading – at least 3 times per week logged in reading record
  • Spellings/ SPaG (once per week) – edshed.com
  • Maths (once per week) – maths.co.uk
  • Multiplication Tables (at least 3 times per week) – ttrockstars.com









Come dressed in PE uniform



Spelling/ SPaG homework due by the end of today


Reading records checked

Maths and Spelling/ SPaG homework set today


Spelling Test




Feel Good Friday uniform


Reading records checked

Reading and Multiplication tables practise should be done multiple times per week

*Reading record should be brought into school daily


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