Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to year one!

Please see below to see what a general timetable will look like, this is subject to change due to what else is going on in school each week. 

Y1 General Timetable Aut1

Our geography topic is all about where we live.
Our art topic is all about primary and secondary colours.
In PE, we are looking at fundamentals of movements.
In science, we will be looking at our body and senses. 

Please see the overviews for all of these topics below.

Autumn 1 Overviews Y1

Our stories in English this half term are The Jolly Postman and Stickman. Our main focus this half term is basic skills. We want the children sounding out words accurately, using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

In maths we will be looking at place value within 10 which includes counting, counting from a larger group, spelling the numbers correctly and matching the words to digits, counting forwards, counting backwards, finding one more, finding one less, comparing groups by using the vocab more, less, most, least, equal to and using the < > and = symbols and ordering numbers.


We will be going on a local area walk and we will have a phonics parent workshop in the autumn term. We will write confirm dates.


In the autumn term, phonics homework will be on activelearn and maths homework on maths.co.uk. We will set it on a Friday and you will have a full week to complete it.

Weekly Information: 

Everyday your child will need to bring to school the following...  

  • School bag.
  • Reading book and reading diary.
  • Named water bottle.
  • Lunch box (If having a lunch provided from home).
  • An outdoor coat suitable for all weathers. 


We still swim on a Wednesday, please ensure all children come to school with a costume/shorts, towel, swimming hat on a Wednesday. Please ensure earrings or any other jewellery are removed and long hair is tied back. All children will swim every week.


Friday is whole school Feel Good Friday! Year one also have PE on a Friday. Children will need to come to school in navy tracksuit bottoms or leggings and black non-branded trainers. They will still need to wear their GV polo shirt and jumper. This is so children can take part in activities that focus on their physical health and well being. 


Phonics lessons and activities will be happening in school on a daily basis. The following websites will help reinforce your child's phonic and reading ability. Please speak to any of the Year 1 staff if you would like any further advice. 

Phonics Website

BBC phonics

Saying the sounds

Phonics Play


Useful Websites: 









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