Welcome To Year 4!

Our Summer Topic Information  

This term we are looking forward to exploring, learning and asking questions about...

Geography- Volcanoes

Children will be learning about volcanoes; where some are located, their make up and what happens when they erupt.  Children will look at the physical and human geographical features of volcanoes. 

History- The Windrush

Children will study the history of the Windrush - They will understand when it took place and the impact it has had on Britain today. 

What do you know about the topic already already?

Have a think about what you already know and share your ideas and knowledge in class. 

What we're reading... 

Reading for pleasure: 

In year 4, we provide opportunities weekly to change reading books and library books. For reading for pleasure, you may choose a book from our book corner or from our school library.  

Our Topic Read:   

This term, we are reading texts including: 


Main Text - Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah


We will also be reading and looking at a range of poetry. 


                 Wow Wall! 

Remember to check our "Wow Wall" see who has produced some fantastic work from the week before!


What piece were you proudest of this week?        

Share your proudest piece with your partner and a member of staff!        

 Ready to Retrieve?

Do you know any interesting facts already?

Research our history topic:

  • What can you find out about the Windrush generation?
  • Why did people settle in Britain and what was the impact?

Remember: When researching online, make sure you are searching safely by putting "for children" or "for KS2". 

What questions might you like to ask and find out about during the topic? 

Image result for click mouseReady to research? Image result for click mouse    

Here are some useful links to our topic:  

Do you know your key words? 

What words can you learn to share with your teacher and class? Write these in your reading diary with a definition. 

Do you know your facts?

Clips and Useful Links 


Share with your class....

Important Facts and Faces     

See if you can research some significant people and interesting facts linking to topics we are learning about. 

Who can you find? Why were they significant?  

What facts can you find out about? What new vocabulary can you share?




This term, in science, we are going to learn about States of Matter.

What can you remember from Year 3?


Here are some useful links to do some research before we start:



Think of some questions you'd like to find out about this term! 


Other Topics:

PE- Summer 1: Athletics

       Summer 2: OAA

PSHE- Summer 1: Citizenship

            Summer 2: Economic Wellbeing

Music-  Samba

DT- Seasonal Food

Art - Recycled Art

RE-  Summer 1 - For Christians, when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?

Summer 2 - What matters most? Christians and Humanists( Valuing Others)


                                                    Image result for purple mash

Login to your Purple Mash account by clicking here. 

Use your Purple Mash log in to find more about topics that we are learning about in school. Continue to practise your Computing skills, present your homework, write a story, or try any of the amazing applications you have access to in school. Share what you have done with Miss Dubidat, Mrs Wetherall and Miss Jones - we love to see the work and learning you do at home! 

Just remember your username and password. 


 Useful Spanish Links: 


Topic Class Clips  

Different topic clips here. 



Our Year 4 Timetable 

The timetable below shows when children will need to bring in specific items during the week. It is children's responsibility to ensure that they bring the correct equipment and kit on specific days. If any changes are made, parents will be notified via parent pay or via text message.  

Monday  4J and 4CW - Swimming (full kit needed) 


4CW and 4J PE (full kit needed)

Wednesday Weekly homework handed in (maths/English/Reading) 

Spelling Test


(Feel Good Friday)


Weekly homework discussed and provided to children online.


Remember all reading books and reading records should be in school every day. 

Reading Diaries:

Remember to record every time you read at home by putting the date, page number  and what the book is that you are reading. Remember you should be reading your reading book as much as you can (every night) however you can also record when you read for pleasure in class or at home. Your parent/guardian needs to sign your book before it is changed. It is important that you bring your reading book and record in every day as we will hear you read in the morning. 

* How many words and definitions have you recorded in your diary this week? *

Keep checking back daily to find new things on our page! 


National Times Table Test

In June, Year 4 children will be taking part in the National Times Table Test - This is an online test and children are given 6 seconds to answer a range of mixed times table questions, Alongside their weekly homework and reading, we expect year 4 children to practise their times tables (in order, out of order and division facts) on a daily basis up to their 12 times table ready for a weekly test. We will also be checking TTRockstars on a daily basis to monitor progress. 

Keep checking back to find new things on our page! 

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