Welcome to Year 5! Our Spring term topic information.We hope you had a wonderful festive break and are ready for a new term at Grove Vale! Our Spring term is full of exciting topics that we can’t wait to share with the children! They include:
Science In the first half term we will be learning about Properties and Changes of Materials - Chemistry. We will look at:
In the second half term we will be learning about life cycles. Our learning will include;
Geography In the first half term we will be learning about North America. Children can research North America using Oddizzi.com.
We will identify the continent of North America on a map and learn how it is organised into areas. We will be exploring different climate zones of North America. We will identify some of the famous features including the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, finding out how they were formed.
We will use time zone maps to work out time differences between various locations. We will compare our local area with specific areas in North America. We will research a specific area of North America.
History In the second half term we will be learning about The Shang Dynasty. We look at the Shang Dynasty of ancient China and how it was found. We will begin by placing it on a timeline and comparing this to a British timeline. We learn about the first ten kings of the Shang Dynasty by exploring the accuracy of evidence. We examine the evidence about the royal tombs of the Shang Dynasty and use this to find out about royal burials. We find out about how everyday life was for peasants in the Shang Dynasty. We look at the homes they lived in and how they farmed their lands. We learn about how and why the Shang invented writing and a calendar. We find out why the Shang Dynasty ended and describe what was achieved by it. We explore the story of how the Zhou army took over the palace. We look at sources and evidence and their reliability in building a story.
In Art we will be exploring traditional Chinese art. In DT we will be learning about Chinese inventions.
Our Weekly Timetable The timetable below shows when children will need to bring in specific items during the week. Reading diaries should be brought to school every day. Wednesday - Wear PE kits. Thursday - Deadline for completing homework on maths.co.uk. Friday - Feel Good Friday clothes. Swimming kits should be bought in.
Login to your Purple Mash account by clicking here.Use your Purple Mash log in to find more about topics that we are learning about in school. Continue to practise your Computing skills, present your homework, write a story, or try any of the amazing applications you have access to in school. Share what you have done with Miss Cotterill and Miss Tudor - we love to see the work and learning you do at home!Just remember your username and password.
We have loved to hear you using Purple Mash at home, especially to further develop your coding skills! Continue you share your own independent work with us and show us at school! We have particularly enjoyed looking at your game development! |