Welcome to the Year 6 page, where you can find information about your class, curriculum and learning.
Our Spring Topic Information
This term we are looking forward to exploring, learning and asking questions about...
Japan Today - Geography
In this topic, we will be exploring Japan and its physical/human geography. During the unit, we further develop our knowledge of maps and learn about the culture of the country. We research a range of locations within the country and compare these to other areas in the world alongside our local area and country.
What do you know about Japan?
Have a think about what you already know and share your ideas and knowledge in class.
Kingdom of Benin - History
In History, we will look at the The Kingdom of Benin and its location. Throughout the unit, we use a range of sources to further develop our investigative skills. We learn about the the organisation and structure of society and how people lived.
What do you know about The Kingdom of Benin?
Do you know any significant people involved?
Have a think about what you already know and share your ideas and knowledge in class.
What we're reading...
Reading for pleasure:
In year 6, we provide opportunities weekly to change reading books and library books. For reading for pleasure, you may choose a book from our book corner or from our school library.
We have been reading a range of texts including:
Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo
Click here to find out more about the author and his other work.
Wow Wall!
What piece were you proudest of this week?
Ready to Retrieve?
Do you know any interesting facts already?
Research about...
- What can you find out about The Kingdom of Benin?
- What do you know about the history of this?
- What can you recall about physical geography?
- What do you already know about Japan?
Remember: When researching online, make sure you are searching safely by putting "for children" or "for KS2".
What questions might you like to ask and find out about during the topic?
Ready to research?
Here are some useful links to our topic:
Do you know your key words?
What words can you learn to share with your teacher and class? Write these in your reading diary with a definition.
Do you know your facts?
Clips and Useful Links
What other examples can you find?
Share with your class....
Important Facts and Faces
See if you can research some significant people and interesting facts linking to topics we are learning about.
Who can you find? Why were they significant?
What facts can you find out about? What new vocabulary can you share?
- History - The Kingdom of Benin
- Geography - Japan Today
- Computing and Online Safety : Online Safety, Blogging and Text Adventures
- Science - Classification of Organisms, Evolution and Inheritance
- Art - Japanese Art
- DT - African Instruments
- Music - Advanced Rhythm
- RE - Christians and how they live: What would Jesus do? How can we make Sandwell a more respectful community?
- PSHE - Safety, The Changing Body and Health and Wellbeing
- Spanish - Healthy Lifestyle and The Weekend
- PE - Swimming, Dance and Rounder
This term, in science, we are going to be learning about Light.
What systems are in your body?
What organs do you have and what are their roles?
What is light?
How do we see?
How does your eye work?
What parts are involved in sight?
Think of some questions you'd like to find out about this term!
Login to your Purple Mash account by clicking here.
Use your Purple Mash log in to find more about topics that we are learning about in school. Continue to practise your Computing skills, present your homework, write a story, or try any of the amazing applications you have access to in school. Share what you have done with Miss Cotterill and Miss Tudor - we love to see the work and learning you do at home!
Just remember your username and password.
We have loved to hear you using Purple Mash at home, especially to further develop your coding skills! Continue you share your own independent work with us and show us at school! We have particularly enjoyed looking at your game development!
Purple Mash Blog
Remember you can always continue to develop your skills and learning at home. Why not try to write you own blog after completing our learning about blogging earlier this year?
Useful Spanish Links:
Topic Class Clips
Different topic clips here.
Our Year 6 Timetable
The timetable below shows when children will need to bring in specific items during the week. It is children's responsibility to ensure that they bring the correct equipment and kit on specific days. If any changes are made, parents will be notified via parent pay or via text message.
Monday | |
Tuesday |
Wednesday | Weekly homework handed in (maths/English/Reading) |
Thursday |
6C and 6T PE (full kit needed) |
Friday (Feel Good Friday) |
Spelling test Weekly homework discussed and provided to children. 6T and 6C - Swimming (full kit needed) |
Remember, all reading books, reading records and spelling lists. It is vital that children have the correct resources/kit that they need in order to support their learning.