Homework At Grove Vale 


Homework is set online.  Your child will receive two pieces of homework to be completed weekly on edshed.com (English) and Maths.co.uk (Maths).  Log-ins for these websites can be found in your child's home reading diary.  Homework is set every Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday.  

In addition to this, children also have log-ins for Purple Mash and ActiveLearn (Phonics Bug) primary where they can play a range of games to support learning in school or access additional reading materials.

In Year 2, your child will be issued with a Times Tables Rockstars log in.  This fun website allows your child to practise their times tables, compete in school and class challenges and build up their points to 'buy' rewards. Your child should be playing TTRS at least x2 per week on studio mode.  It is also available in app form for tablets.

Children should also carry out regular reading at home.  Your child's reading book will be changed every Monday.  We ask that children are listened to read at least three times a week.  Re-reading books helps with confidence, fluency, comprehension and sight-reading.  Any reading at home (including library books or books from home read for fun) can be recorded in home reading diaries, which should be sent into school every day. 

Other useful sites:

Alien Punctuation
Add in the correct punctuation to talk to the aliens

Hit the Button
A fun and quick way to get better at times tables

Sample papers for KS1 assessments

Try these
All areas of multiplication, number bonds and divisions

Phonics/ SPAG practise
The children have been learning about how past tense words are spelt differently. Please use these games to help support their learning

Adding 10 to a number

+ and - numberline

Add to 10

Place value

Missing number problems

An excellent reading resource for all abilities

Adding capital letters

Choosing capital letters

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