Governors Statutory Responsibilities and Functions

In all types of schools, governing boards should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

a) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

b) Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, the performance management of staff; and

c)  Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent. (Extract from Governors Handbook January 2017)


Governing Board Membership - 2021/2022 Academic Year 


LA (1)

End of Office

Matthew Payton  11 July 2025

Parents (2) 

End of Office

Sneta Pathak

21 May 2027

Lisa Rashid 

21 May 2027

Head Teacher (1)


Alison Connop


Staff Governor (1)

End of Office

Sarah Hopcroft

31 January 2024 

Co-opted (6)

End of Office

Tim Bowen 

 November 2028

Kishma Bolaji 13 December 2024

Sharanjit Gosal (Sharan)

11 July 2025

Jayne Bourke   

Louise MacCarthy 

11 July 2025 

Michelle Bunch

11 July 2025


Special Responsibility Governors                    2023/24 

Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor (including filtering and monitoring)

Louise MacCarthy

SEND Governor

Louise MacCarthy

Health and Safety Governor

Jayne Bourke


Sharan Gosal

Pupil Premium

Lisa Rashid

Early Years

Sneta Pathak


Tim Bowen 


Jayne Bourke 

Personal Development & Welfare

Tim Bowen 

Behaviour & Attendance

Sharan Gosal

Physical Development/Physical Education/Sports Premium

Matt Payton/Lisa Rashid

ECT  Matt Payton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion  Kishma Bolaji
Training/Skills Michelle Bunch


Link Governors

Little Valers

Sarah Hopcroft


Sneta Pathak

Year 1

Kishma Bolaji

Year 2

Lisa Rashid

Year 3

Jayne Bourke 

Year 4

Matt Payton

Year 5

Sharan Gosal/Louise MacCarthy

Year 6

Sharan Gosal/Louise MacCarthy


Grove Vale is committed to having an active board that is diverse, inclusive and reflective of the community we serve.

More information regarding this is available upon request from the school office.


Governors’ Handbook/Competency Framework for Governors


Please refer to the governors’ documents published by the Department for Education, including the governor's handbook for further information. The latest versions are available here


Governor Contact 


If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, you can do so by writing to the following address:

Mrs Louise MacCarthy

Grove Vale Primary

Monksfield Avenue

Great Barr


B43 6AL


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