Plas Gwynant 2024 Day Four!

Image of Plas Gwynant 2024 Day Four!

Day Four!

Day four at Plas has been exciting as it has been our last full day of activities. We started the day by completing our jobs and preparing for breakfast. Once we had done this, we had some free time.

Breakfast was cereal and then hash browns, beans and toast. We then tidied away…

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Plas Gwynant 2024 Day Three!

Image of Plas Gwynant 2024 Day Three!

Day Three!

Day Three started well with breakfast. We had a variety of cereal and then a cooked breakfast consisting of hash browns, beans and toast.

Miss Tudor’s group spent the day on a mountain hike. We walked up Crimpiou and made it to the top which was a 470m ascend! We ate our lunch…

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Plas Gwynant 2024 Day Two!

Image of Plas Gwynant 2024 Day Two!

Day Two!

It was an early start here in Plas as some of us were up at 6:45 dressed and ready for the day ahead! We tidied our rooms, got ready and went down for breakfast which was cereal, followed by toast, hash browns and beans.

Once we had finished tidying, we met with our group leaders…

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Plas Gwynant 2024

Image of Plas Gwynant 2024

Day One!

We arrived in Plas at around 13:30 and have been exploring our new home for the week! We have made our beds, prepared our rooms and got all of our equipment ready for our first day of activities tomorrow. 

Once we had a tour of the site, we spent some time outside playing football…

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Grove Vale's visit from the chief executive of Sandwell council

Image of Grove Vale's visit from the chief executive of Sandwell council

On Wednesday 24th April, the school council met with the chief executive of Sandwell council, Shokat Lal. The councillors held a debate that Shokat and his team were able to watch, discussing the importance of school uniform. The council divided themselves and shared arguments around the topic.…

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The Safeguarding Team - Spring Update

Image of The Safeguarding Team - Spring Update

Our team have been very busy during Spring Term!

Governor Presentation 

Members of the team presented to governors after school to present to them what they had been doing during the year so far in the their roles. The governors asked the children lots of questions about what they had been…

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Sandwell Council House Visit

Image of Sandwell Council House Visit

The year 5 and 6 school councilors recently had a visit to the Sandwell council house. The children met Councilor Hackett and the Assistant Chief executive of Sandwell council, James McLaughlin. They discussed the importance of democracy and learnt about the structure of the council.


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School Council Bake Sale

Image of School Council Bake Sale

On behalf of the school council, we would like to thank you all for your contributions to our bake sale. We raised an incredible £471! 


We have now adopted a snow leopard from the WWF. We are looking forward to regular updates about the leopard and hearing how our donation has helped. 

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Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 4/5

Image of Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 4/5

Our penultimate day...

Thursday was another fantastic day at Edgmond Hall and in the morning children rotated again and did the activity/ animal feeding they had not yet done that week. (See previous blogs) 

After lunch, we made memory rockets where children reflected on the activities they…

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Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 3

Image of Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 3

Wednesday was another successful day at Edgmond Hall, and we were very lucky to avoid most of the storm, only having a sprinkling of rain! 


After a sleepy start (boys seem to be far better at getting up and ready in the morning than some of the girls), we had breakfast which was cereal,…

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Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 2

Image of Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 2

Last night was our first night at Edgmond Hall, and it is safe to say, once all was asleep, children slept like babies. We were up at 7.30am, a lie I for some, and once we had brushed our teeth, got dressed and made our beds, we headed down stairs to statt rewards for best beds, set up the tables…

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Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 1

Image of Edgmond Hall 2023 - Day 1

After a swift and enjoyable coach journey, we arrived at Edgmond Hall. On arrival, we were introduced to the Edgmond Hall staff and had a tour of the site. After a fire, health and safety talk, we packed our rucksack so all the essential items we needed for our activities were ready in our…

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