Our final full day at Plas has been a brilliant day for everyone! 

Today, we all had our 'mountain walk day'. We have been particularly lucky with the weather this week but especially today. We woke up to wonderful sunshine, which continued for the majority of the day. A few drops of rain only began to fall when we made our way through the Plas gates.

 Each group had a different journey planned for them and walked up a range of different mountains and hills. We had lots of different terrain on our walk and loved how different each part of our walk and day was. While walking, we went through and over streams, through fields, across bridges and passed lakes. All of the groups had chance to explore different areas on their walk. Most of the groups preferred to explore the areas that were near water and got to have another paddle and splash around.

The children enjoyed finding interesting rocks and even some quartz! Everyone worked really well as a team and were very encouraging towards each other, which helped them to be really resilient as individuals and in their groups. While having our lunch, we paused to listen to the surrounding area and compared this to what we might hear at home and other familiar locations. The children enjoyed listening to local wildlife, the fresh running water and lots of other sounds linking to the nature around them. Also, they really enjoyed looking out for animals on their walk including lots of sheep that were roaming along the paths.

We spent some time discussing our week and all of the things that we had enjoyed and learnt during our time at Plas. The children are all looking forward to sharing their experiences with others when they get home and have said how much they can't wait to come back to Wales in the future!  

We are now getting ready for our last evening activity after having dinner and are looking forward to a disco and visiting the Plas shop!
