Our Before and After School Club 

Our Grove Vale Before and After School club caters for all Grove Vale children from Pre School up to year 6


Grove Vale Before and After School Club provides a high quality of out of school childcare for the children at Grove Vale Primary School in the form of  our Breakfast and After School Club. 


         We provide a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment. Our aim is to create our clubs, where  everyone is made welcome and valued.


We are fully committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to provide a high quality service, a safe and fun environment and fantastic learning and play opportunities for all children.



The Team

Breakfast Club 

Breakfast Club

Mr A Dodd

Mr A Dodd

Mrs L Marriott

Mrs L Marriott

Mrs P Thandi

Mrs P Thandi

Miss S Sparkes

Miss S Sparkes

Kim Summers

Kim Summers

Mrs J Hunt

Mrs J Hunt

After School Club

Afterschool Club

Mr Dodd

Mr Dodd

Club Co-ordinator

Mrs L Marriott

Mrs L Marriott

Breakfast & After School Club

Mrs P Kalia

Mrs P Kalia

Mrs P Thandi

Mrs P Thandi

Miss S Sparkes

Miss S Sparkes


Breakfast Club information


Our Breakfast Club operates from 7:30am until 8:50am term time only. Our session fees are £5.50 per child per session.

We provide your child with a healthy and varied breakfast, which includes -




Cereal fruit bars


Squash/milk/fruit juices /water   


After School Club information

Our After School Club operates from 3:25pm until 6:00pm term time only. Our session fees are £8.50 per child per session.


During each session each child will be able to choose a healthy snack such as: -


Sandwich of either cheese, jam, sliced ham or chicken or toast. (Tuesday's Thursday and Fridays)

Beans / hoops on toast ( Monday Option)

Pizza (Wednesday option)

Cheese / buttered Crackers (Tuesday's Thursdays and Fridays)

Toast ( available each day)


Drinks (available each day)

Water, orange or blackcurrant squash, and milk


Our Club Activities


Our Before and After School Club provide fun and stimulating activities for all children of all ages. We provide          activities such as:


Sporting games such as: Football, Basketball, Dodgeball, Dance and Swimming (lead by our two after school club swimming teachers)


Creative activities such as: painting, drawing, sewing and collaging.


We also offer other activities such as:


Outdoor play on our playgrounds or forest school area (weather depending)

Water Play

Team Building Games

Gaming (consoles and Ipads)

Quizzes Movie Nights


and much more ....



Request a Place for After School and Breakfast Club 

To apply for After School Club or Breakfast Club please click the following link and complete the request form:

Breakfast Club Place Request form CLICK HERE

After School Club Place Request form CLICK HERE

Your completed form will be placed on our waiting list. This list is reviewed every half term. You will be contacted when space is available. 


As a club we understand from time to parents are in need of an emergency place, if you do need to book your child in for a one off session you can do so by clicking this link.

One off space booking link CLICK HERE

Your emergency place will be confirmed once your online booking form has been submitted.

If you do have any problems or questions about place bookings either call the school office (0121 357 4319) or email Mr Dodd (clubs manager) on adam.dodd@grovevale.sandwell.sch.uk  


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