The Teaching and Learning of Online Safety at Grove Vale 

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Grove Vale. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any online safety incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our online safety policy. This subject area is taught alongside our computing curriculum and also daily discrete discussions and learning. In addition to this, we ensure that we utilise all opportunities to embed online safety knowledge and values across the school throughout discussions and additional teaching and learning time such as assemblies and themed days. We aim for all pupils to be able to explain and demonstrate how to stay safe and behave appropriately as a valued digital citizen of the world.



Safeguarding Safety Team 

As part of our online safety initiative in school, we have a "Safety Team", who promote online safety and support safeguarding within school. We have a number of children, who have remained Online Safety Champions from the previous year and had added to the team with a number of new members from each class this year. 

The safety team meet multiple times per half term and aim to raise the profile of areas linking to safeguarding and online safety. 

This year, Online Safety Champions helped to design the application form for member of the new "Safety Team". 

Autumn Agenda 

  • Discuss steps taken in the previous years (areas we have improved and next steps for 2023/24).

  • Discuss areas that we would like to focus on this year. 

  • Discuss the EYFS parent workshop. 

  • Discuss new structure of The Online Safety Team/Safety Team.

  • Design of applications for the Safety Team. 

  • Discuss the Online Safety Team in assembly. 

  • Interview new applicants. 

  • Gather ideas for this year and The Grove Valer. 

  • Collect data/information to inform Spring next steps. 

  • Produce content for the Grove Valer.

  • Discuss Filtering and Monitoring changes within school. 

  • Plan and produce content for the Christmas competition. 

  • Meet with the Safety Team (governors and SIPS in attendance). 

  • Share Christmas competition


 Spring Agenda 

  • Focus on Self-Image and Identity 
  • Produce and share children's technology and online safety code 
  • Planning for February's Safety Team Challenge 
  • Produce content for the February competition 
  • Discuss/produce content for The Grove Valer 
  • Discuss Safer Internet Day - class workshops and information for parents 
  • Begin to organise presentation for the governors 
  • Present to the governors during after school meeting
  • Support the design a new AUP for children 


Summer Agenda 

  • Focus on Online Bullying and Copyrights/Ownership 
  • Discuss information to be shared with peers 
  • Help to share the new AUP with our peers and discuss this in class and in assembly 
  • Discuss the idea of giving consent - talk about ways we can give consent and scenarios that we may give consent 
  • Summer Term competition - road safety 
  • Summer Holidays competition - water safety 
  • Discuss information for the Grove Valer and design this as a group 



Challenges Set:

Green Time To Screen Time - Identify when, how and for how long we use technology. Record this for one week of our time and do the same for a second week. On the second week try and be mindful of how much we are using technology and try and ensure we balance the use of it. Think about the importance of having screen time and having time offline to connect with friends, family, enjoy a range of hobbies, etc. 

Technology In The Home - Where do we use technology? Who monitors our technology? Do we access with a family member? Use this challenge to think about how we access technology, who with and where in the house we do this. Think about if there are safer places than others to use technology within our houses. Consider what is safe and effective based on what we do at the moment and how this could be improved. Bring your pictures to class and discuss these with your teacher and safety team member. 

Online Superhero - Think about what would be required of an online superhero. What could represent our learning in school and what powers might they have to safeguard us? Produce your own safeguarding superhero and and share this with your safety team. 

Summer Challenge

Road Safety:  Make a poster about how we can be safe when we are near or crossing a road. What information do we need to know? What signs might we experience? 


Safer Internet Day 2024:

We will be taking part in Safer Internet Day 2024 will take place on the 6th of February 2024 and during that week, focusing on the theme:

Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.

Safer Internet Day 2023:

We took part in Safer Internet day on 7th February and during this week by focusing on  the theme:

 ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.’

This year, we are using the story "Hanni and the Magic Window" as inspiration for our Safer Internet Day. Click on the story name to access it online from the Childnet website. We emcourage you to talk to your children about elements of online safety they have discussed in class. Our Online Safety Champions have discussed the activities that they have thought about for children to do during the week and a challenge for them to complete at home.

Questions to Share at Home 

Some of the questions we have spoken about in previous discussions and in discussions during the day are:

  • What do we like about using the internet and being online?
  • What do we not like about using the internet and being online?
  • How do we stay safe at school and at home online?
  • What do we use the internet for?
  • What devices do you use that are connected to the internet?
  • Where do you use your devices?
  • What are some of the risks of being online?
  • What would we do if we came across a problem or issue?
  • How could we report about this? Who might we report to?
  •  How often/long (time period) are we online for during the week/during the weekend?
  • How could we make using the internet better?
  • What could we do to be safer?

The Online Safety Champion Challenge:














Elements of Online Safety taken from the "Education for a Connected World" document. 


All of the children at Grove Vale are taught about the importance of being able to report any issues that they may have online. They discuss who to report to for different things and how vital it is to have an adult to be able to discuss any problems or issues that they may face online or in real life. 

Working With Parents 

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the online safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.

Online Safety Activities in School

Social Media Guidance


Online safety for children of all ages


Internet Matters

Online safety for parents and teachers


UK Safer Safer Internet Centre 


thinkuknow - CEOP


If not managed correctly, children using modern computer game consoles can be exposed to inappropriate content and have contact with numerous strangers online. Please read our 'Dangers of Online Gaming' leaflet and use the PDFs below to set up parental controls on your consoles and digital devices online. 

Internet Matters

Gaming How to keep your child safe whilst gaming


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