Home Learning 


Due to school reopening, home learning for anyone who is self-isolating will be slightly different to how it was delivered during lockdown.As it is now statutory that children attend school again, it is important that all children attend as long as they have do not have symptoms or have been requested to isolate. Please read below to find out more about home learning when self-isolating. 



Home learning will be provided for reception via the app Tapestry. Staff are also using the Reception web page to upload their daily work. You can access the Reception page by clicking here


Year 1 to 6 


Year 1 to 6 will now be using Oak National Academy while home learning due to self-isolation.  This is a site, which is reccomended by the government. They provide a wide range of activities interactively for all age groups in a variety of subject areas. These run parallel with many topics and units that we teach in school. 


Children have also been issued with their own personal Office 365 log ins. Here they will be able to communicate with their teachers and access learning that may be used to upload work onto the Sharepoint. As a school, we have access to numerous online learning portals where children will be asked to complete specific activities such as Purple Mash, Office 365, Language Angels, etc. The links for these can be found on the home learning links page, which can be found in the menu. Children should be encouraged to access these to ensure that they are continuing their learning at home to support class work when they return. 



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