Day Two
Today, we woke up bright and early and started to complete our jobs. For breakfast, we had beans on toast, hash browns and cereal. After breakfast, we made our lunches. There are lots of sandwich fillings to choose from, crisps, fruit and biscuits/cakes. We all had a great sleep and were ready to get going!
We then went into our groups and were told what we were doing during the day.
There was a range of activities that our groups did: canoeing, gorge walking, abseiling and the beach exploration.
Canoeing: We learnt how to gain momentum by working as a team to speed up our canoe and we also learnt how to direct it. We worked really well as a team even though it was extremely windy! After we had been canoeing, we spent some time paddling and having a splash around!
Abseiling and Climbing: Today, we went abseiling and climbing on site. We learnt how to use the equipment and learnt all about safe climbing. We all had a go at abseiling and all had a second go even if we found it challenging. Some of us even tried to climb without using the blocks to make it more challenging!
After our activities, we had our dinner, which was spaghetti bolognaise and the best brownie that Miss Tudor has ever tasted! We had a lot to talk about and were all very happy to be here!
During the evening, we did an outside scavenger hunt and then we went to bed ready for day 3!