Day One...
We are already officially settled in to our new home for the week! We arrived at Plas at around 1:30 PM. On the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and views in Wales. When we arrived, we made our beds and started to unpack in our rooms. This afternoon we had a tour of the grounds, learnt about the routine in Plas and got given our kits for the week. For our evening meal, we all enjoyed pizza of fish and chips, followed by Artic roll or peaches.
This evening, we went on a walk near to the Plas grounds to get a feel for the area around us. During the day, we have been learning how to read, say and spell in Welsh. Also, we spent time talking to lots of different people and finding out new things about each other that we didn't know before!
Everyone is very excited for our first full day tomorrow with their groups and finding out their what their first activities will be!
We are all having a brilliant time!