Day 3
Another fantastic day here at Ingestre! Today, was our sharing day, where we shared all of the work we had done within our first art form. Everyone had worked so hard to produce their pieces and it was great to hear others sharing about how and why they had created their pieces the way they had. Even though some of us were quite nervous to share our work to begin with, we soon settled into performing and speaking aloud to others. We now feel much more confident about presenting to others and are looking forward to our final sharing session on Friday.
Some of us created fantastic dances, where we worked independently and with partners to create a brilliant final piece. The drama group produced a piece that they had constructed together about how deforestation is impacting the world and how we can improve this. The music group produced a 2 wonderful musical pieces with instruments, vocals and actions! The artists produced 2 lovely pieces of art work linking to the natural world and to animals, who have been impacted by global warming and changes within our environment.
This week, we have been lucky enough to have some brilliant weather and today we have enjoyed playing football and spending time outside during our breaks. During the evening, we had a disco and Mrs Hunt opened the gift shop!
We had a wonderful third day and are looking forward to our last full day in our second art from tomorrow!