We are now opening school for all children under government guidance. This guidance indicates that it is a statutory requirement that children attend school full time after being open to key workers and specific groups before the summer holiday.
The information on our corona virus and home learning updates page can support you to understand changes that we have implemented to reduce risk of COVID-19 and wil support children in returning to school. Please ensure that you continue to check Parent Pay for emails and information regarding what to expect moving forwards in the upcoming days and weeks. You can find our risk assessment on our "corona virus and home learning updates page" and on our "school policy page".
If you have not done so far, please make us aware of any family members that are potentially high risk and venerable. Also, if there are any additional information that we need to be aware of regarding children's health, please ensure that you get in touch with us. You can do this via the office on our website form or by calling us. We are taking the advice of Public Health England who are updating information regarding venerable individuals and those who may have been shielding. You can again find the link to this information on our corona virus updates page.
The safety of our children, families, surrounding community and staff is paramount. Therefore, we will be taking potential cases of COVID-19 extremely seriously and require everyone to be extremely vigilant in identifying any symptoms and sharing this directly with the school as soon as possible. Find out further information about identifying symptoms here, on the general corona virus information page.
If you have any queries please get in touch with our school office.