Our Assembly with Blind Dave


In life there are many barriers. There are barriers to do with a variety of things such as our health and our ability to do things. These barriers will try and stop us from doing certain things. One of these is being blind like Dave. 

Last week, Dave visited us in assembly and shared his story. He is an inspiration and showed us what an influential person he is. Dave's barrier is that he is blind. He works hard to succeed and get past the challenges that being blind creates for him. Dave spoke about the troubles that he has faced throughout his career. He told us how he managed to fight against these and spoke to us about how we could do the same with our challenges and obstacles. 

Dave shared his belief that is doesn't matter what your health is like at some points or how you are treated by others you can still achieve things that many people think you can't do, even yourself! Dave shared with us some of his interests, which were running and swimming. He showed us that even though not being able to see can be difficult at times and make some things challenging that people who can see may take for grated, he uses it to motivate himself and others to push themselves to try and succeed at anything they put their mind too. Instead of feeling sad about the obstacles he faces, Dave is very positive, happy and pushes himself to be successful in everything he does. 

The stories Dave shared and the advice he gave was really motivating and will inspire everyone (younger and older people). It has taught me to stay motivated when things are challenging and try and beat any obstacles. 


Jeevan - Year 6