Homework is introduced throughout the Autumn term. We begin with your child bringing home an EYFS Library book of their choosing. We will then start to send home a Home reading book. As we progress through the year we will introduce a maths task or game that we will ask your child to complete as well as further Tapestry Projects.

This is the Reception Homework you can expect:

EYFS Library Books share the book with your child and talk about the story or the information in the book.

Home Reading Books your child will bring home a book to read/share with you. Please use the suggestions on the inside of the book cover to help you when you and your child are reading the book. Please complete the reading diary each time you share a book with your child.

Words and sounds your child may have words and/or sounds to practise reading. These will be put into your child’s reading diary for you to practise with them.

Maths Tasks and Gamesyour child will have a maths task or games every other week. Please complete and upload to Tapestry. This will begin in Spring or start of Summer term.

Tapestry Project these will be set throughout the year. Please follow the suggestions for ways to complete each project on the information page accompanying each project. Upload the project to your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal once it is completed. See a member of Reception Staff if you need help with this.


As a guide we have attached the following table to guide you on how much homework should be completed weekly in each year group.



Time spent per night in minutes

Time spent per night in minutes may be one longer activity to be spread over a number of nights




Other Activities from range listed





Grove Vale recognises and values the importance of other out of school activities e.g. cubs, brownies, football training, dancing, swimming lessons, etc. It also greatly values the place for physical activity, relaxation and opportunities for the development of the child’s own hobbies and interests.  It is essential that leisure pursuits are part of a child’s life and home study time must be included in the home routine to allow for these other activities. The two important points to remember are:


Little and often is better and Quality rather than quantity


Helping With Homework

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