Our team have been very busy during Spring Term!
Governor Presentation
Members of the team presented to governors after school to present to them what they had been doing during the year so far in the their roles. The governors asked the children lots of questions about what they had been doing and how they thought their roles and actions were having an impact both in and out of school. The children were able to identify lots of positive steps the group had taken during the year so far and areas we are focusing on moving forward within Summer Term and moving into next academic year.
Online Safety Focus
Within Online Safety in Spring Term, children focused on identify and self-image heavily. We discussed this during computing lessons, PSHE lessons and during assembly time. The team posed questions for children during assembly for the children to think about during that week and over the term.
Some of these were:
- What is identity?
- Does identity change online and offline?
- How might people adapt their identity online and offline?
- Why might they want to do this?
- What is self-image?
- What do we need to think about regarding our image online?
- How can technology be used to manipulate what we see and put online?
Safer Internet Day
The team worked really hard together to discuss ideas for Safer Internet Day and to make sure that all children in every class got involved. We enjoyed sharing stories based around influence online, validation and many other elements of online safety. We really enjoyed getting children to consider how technology has changed over the years and tried to make people go back to reflecting on their "Green Time VS Screen Time" focus and competition that we did in Autumn Term.
Sharing With Our Families
Our team have been thinking of lots of ideas that we would like to share with our parents and families. One of these was to ensure that children were accessing appropriate games. Children researched information to share with children, parents and guardians involving this. One of the things the children encouraged people to use was the PEGI app, which was recommended to us by an online source.
We are looking forward to another busy Summer Term and continuing to raise the profile of safeguarding and online safety within school and the wider community!
The GV Safety Team